The Best Plants For Apartments In Brownsburg

They may be called “houseplants,” but these plants can prosper in apartments also. Plants can add interest to your decor, improve air quality, lighten your disposition, and help you feel near to the world when you can’t travel outdoors to have fun in your scenic community. The top plants for apartments in Brownsburg don’t require much care. If you want a few living greenery around your space, these low-maintenance houseplants are a wonderful present for your apartment.
The Best Plants For Apartments In Brownsburg With Artificial Light
Your apartment layout was built for human inhabitants but notalways plants. If your room doesn’t bring in an abundance sun, you can bring in plants that flourish in dimly lit rooms. Spider plants are nice, hardy plants that don’t demand a lot of sun. These plants feature slender spiky leaves and reproduce by sending out “spiderettes,” or mini replicants of themselves that trail from the main plant. They are great on top shelving that give them room to grow. Spider plants are awfully forgiving and only require care when the leaves dry out. They also don’t mind a crowded pot, so you won’t have to replant them almost ever.
The peace lily is also one of the best plants for apartments in Brownsburg. These sweet flowers have elegant dark green leaves and ivory flowers. They are tall rather than wide and shouldn’t demand much sunlight, so you can fit one in any corner of your smaller apartment. They also won’t require much upkeep and will tell forgetful caretakers that they need water when the drop leaves.
The Top Apartment Plants That Won’t Require Tons Of Water

If you’re a work-a-holic, studying, or experiencing your community’s excellent amenities, it’s easy to overlook to take care of your houseplants. To stop killing your plants, go with cacti and succulents. These desert plants only look for water once a week in summer seasons and less during the cold. Plant them in a cactus and succulent soil and rock mix and place them in a sunlit space like a bedroom window sill.
Cacti and succulents are very stylish as decor accents. You can get them in various sizes, colors, and shapes. Show off your cacti and succulents in decorative flower pots or floating terrariums, or mix and match several kinds in one spacious pot.
The Most Popular Plants For Freshening Your Apartment Air
Unseen contaminants from outside pollution and household sprays can live in the air in your apartment. You’ll breathe easier with live plants like pothos and snake plants. They suck up toxins from the air and give off pure air back into your rooms.
Pothos are leafy plants with lengthy stalks that like to creep over the ledges of shelving or baskets. They work in most lighting with regular watering.
Snake plants have stiff, pointed leaves that stand upright. They differ with some other popular plants if you want to group a few types together. Snake plants will stand up to a bit of neglect and demands not much light or water, meaning that they are difficult to hurt.
Your Plants Can Come Home To Union Green
Union Green has a perfect apartment for you and all of your plants! Come see our Leasing Specialists to find out about our popular layouts, desirable amenities, and welcoming community. Just call 463-888-7185 or schedule a tour to find your next home.